In a recent post I discussed the plan of the GOP establishment to stop Trump at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. In that article, I talked about why the oligarchs that fund the GOP establishment hate Donald Trump and their strategy for a brokered convention.
But if the oligarchs and their GOPe puppets can’t stop Trump at the Convention, their fallback plan is to prevent him from ever being elected even if it means handing the election to Hillary. This is because the oligarchs are not just opposing Trump. They are desperately trying to stop a movement of Americans putting their interests before those of the globalist oligarchs.
Mitt and Marco become GOPe attack dogs
We are already seeing the plan being executed by Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio (they are using the same material). The attacks being leveled at Trump are not the typical attacks that are lobbed at a competitor in a primary that you can “take back” if that competitor later becomes the Party’s nominee. They are attacks designed to prevent Donald Trump from ever being elected. Here are some of them:
Trump is a “con man.”
Trump is a “fraud.”
Trump is “unfit for office.”
Trump lacks the “character and temperament” to be president.
These attacks are designed to hurt Trump now, but also in the general election. I can see Hillary’s ad right now:
“Even his fellow Republicans do not trust him.”
Cue Romney’s voice: “Trump is a con man, a fraud, he is unfit for office. He boasted of his sexual exploits.”
“Vote for Hillary. Trusted by Democrats. Trusted by the GOP Establishment.”
At this point, I would not be surprised if Romney endorses Hillary if Trump gets the nomination.
Why are the oligarchs and the GOPe so hell bent to stop Trump?
The big money donors and their GOPe minions want to stop Trump because he is heading a rising tide of nationalism in the country.
This is a moderate nationalism that simply means Americans want to put the needs of Americans before the interests of the global corporations and foreign countries.
The oligarchs and the GOPe are not nationalists. They are globalists. What is the difference between the two of them?
Nationalists want:
- Closed borders.
- American sovereignty.
- Jobs for Americans.
- Fair trade (free trade but not if the other side cheats).
- Strong, healthy families (families are the backbone of a strong nation).
- Homogeneity.
- Distinctive national character (shared language, history, and values).
- Use of military force only when necessary to defend the interests of the nation.
Globalists want:
- Open borders (for cheap foreign labor).
- Elimination of sovereign governments in favor of large trade zones. The European Union is a good example of this. NAFTA was a step in the direction of doing the same with Mexico, US, and Canada.
- Freedom to manufacture wherever labor is cheapest to maximize profit.
- Gradual elimination of church and family as these foster loyalties to something other than the ruling authority.
- Diversity, because the people cannot unify to oppose the government.
- No distinctive national character. Again, because it keeps people from being able to organize.
- Liberal use of military force to further globalist agenda such as re-orienting the balance of power in the Middle East.
The current GOP and the Democrats are both globalist parties
The oligarchs don’t really care whether the Democrats or Republicans are in power because both parties are globalists.
They are both open borders. GOP candidates make a show of favoring closing the border, but none of them, perhaps with the exception of Jeff Sessions, have actually tried to close the Southern border. And they all favor massive legal immigration.
Both parties favor free trade. Both of them just shrug their shoulders when you ask them what we can do to bring jobs back to the US.
Both parties push diversity. Anyone who questions the goodness of diversity is immediately branded a racist. If anything the GOP pushes diversity even harder than the Democrats.
Both parties don’t care about maintaining the family, faith, or traditional values. Again, the GOP pretends that it wants to conserve traditional values, but history has shown, they have conserved nothing.
Both parties liberally project US power to destabilize or invade nations that do not pose a threat to US.
- George W. Bush invaded Iraq and destabilized the entire Middle East. Obama used US forces to weaken Kaddafi in Libya, which resulted in him being deposed.
- Obama also helped overthrow a democratically elected government in Ukraine (which led to the Russian invasion) and he created Islamic “moderate” groups in Syria in an effort to overthrow Assad, which led to the refugee crisis in Europe.
On all the issues that are important to globalist oligarchs, the parties agree. Some oligarchs donate to both parties. Even Trump did this while he was in business.
How does stopping Trump crush nationalism in the US?
The GOPe sees that the Republican base is fed up with the country being systematically destroyed so that the globalists can get even wealthier. They know that the base views Trump as a leader who can fight against these globalist interests and make the government work for Americans.
They are scared of Trump because unlike the other candidates, Trump is self funding. He doesn’t need their money so they can’t control him.
The globalists have three ways of stopping him.
- Stop Trump in a brokered convention. Give the nomination to Rubio, Kasich, or Romney.
- If that fails and Trump gets the GOP nomination, get Hillary elected.
- If Trump gets elected, the Republican Congress will join with Democrats to fight Trump’s policies.
Obviously, option 3 is their least favorite because Trump will still have an army of supporters behind him—and he will be able to force through at least some of the nationalist agenda.
But options 1 & 2 would squash the rising nationalist movement. It would effectively take away our leader.
The GOPe’s hope is that if Trump supporters (nationalists) are without a leader for four years, we will be forced to come back into the Republican fold. This is how they hope to crush the nationalist movement in the US so that they can go back to their globalist agenda.
Where do we go from here?
The happiest outcome is that Trump wins the GOP nomination, gets elected President, and makes the changes he promised to make. That would reverse the serious decline that is facing the US. It would also lead to the Republican Party becoming the nationalist party.
But what if the oligarchs win? If that happens, we will need to work on two fronts.
If the oligarchs win, here is our path.
First, we’ll need to network and try to create a third party that would have a nationalist platform. Ideally, Trump would continue to lead the party-in-exile, but I could see him simply going back to his successful business. We will have to farm leaders of our own if that is the case.
Second, we need to also prepare for the worst case. As Trump has stated, the reason he got into the race is because he thinks that this is our last chance to preserve the country. Eight more years of the current policies will destroy the US.
Electing Hillary would constitute a third Obama term.
- There would be an amnesty for illegals but nothing would be done to seal the border. Legal immigration would continue to increase. This will turn the country permanently blue.
- Racial agitation would be heightened because it motivates blacks to vote for Hillary and the Democrats.
- New, expensive, poorly designed social programs would be created to help the “poor.”
- She would attempt to achieve the liberal wet dream of gun confiscation.
- 3 or 4 ultra liberal justices would be confirmed to the Supreme Court.
Electing Rubio would be better, but not by much.
- Just like Hillary, Rubio would grant an amnesty and increase legal immigration. The country would turn permanently blue.
- Rubio has prominent neocons on his staff that are itching to invade Syria and Iran. They even want a confrontation with Russia. It is highly likely that electing Rubio would mean more American blood would be shed in the Middle East.
Hillary will lead to a quick collapse. Rubio to a slower collapse.
In other words, if Trump doesn’t get elected, it is just a matter of time before we see the US start to implode. It won’t fall all at once, but we are likely to see violence begin to break out.
We need to prepare for The Coming Storm—the chaos that will ensue if we continue the destructive policies of the Democrats and the GOPe.
Please share this with fellow Trump supporters. We need to get the word out about what is at stake.
Read More: Trump’s Candidacy is a Test: Who Runs The US? The People or Oligarchs?
The globalist elites have a “home game” and an “away game.” The home game (in the West) is political correctness, anti-Christianity, anti-whiteness, open borders, forced diversity, attacks on the family, and degeneracy of all sorts. The away game (in the non-West) is war, neo-liberal privatization, and coup d’etats. The main job of the left in America is to carry out the home game while the right pretends to oppose them. The main job of the right in America is to carry out the away game while the left pretends to oppose them.
A Donald Trump Presidency would disrupt both games and threaten the globalist elite’s agenda of consolidated global government; with them at the top of the pyramid and us, the “profane” masses, chiseled into bricks to fit into the pyramid beneath them).
Trump’s importance is once of discourse. In this sense, the Left have already lost. Trump has allowed people to think naughty thoughts, and it is going to be insanely difficult to put that genie back in the bottle, regardless of whether he wins or loses.