My post this week on ROK is an Introduction to Patriarchal Nationalism. It is a platform developed by Roosh and me to begin taking the first steps toward a new order.
You’ll probably find things that you disagree with in the platform. That’s fine. The goal is to shift the Overton Window. Once a certain group of men realize that there is no hope of democratic change under the existing order, they can begin laying the foundation of the new order.
It is not required that Patriarchal Nationalism become a mass movement in order for it to succeed. In fact, I’d be a little worried if it did. The people who are ready for it will understand it.
But I wanted to tackle one criticism from the comments to the article. The commenter wrote that he is not a fan of “save the west” type articles because he finds that it is keyboard warrior stuff—nothing ever goes beyond just talk.
It is a fair criticism. Our goal is not simply to LARP. We want to go beyond theory and move this thinking into the real world. Here is the way to begin.
The Foundation
Of course, the foundation is self-improvement. The modern world deliberately emasculates men—they are easier to control that way. As Jack Donovan talks about in The Way of Men, We exchange our natural masculinity for an office job, two weeks of vacation per year, and a steady diet of corporate food, porn, and Hollywood movies.
Our natural competitive instinct is sated by corporate sports. We can cheer for the corporate team that has its headquarters in our city.
The net result is that most modern men are weak: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We can’t defend ourselves because no one has taught us. Physical activity is discouraged as being part of ‘toxic masculinity.’
We crack under pressure because we’ve been coddled. Each new generation is more coddled than the one before it. If you doubt this, just look at today’s college students who retreat to their ‘safe spaces’ whenever someone says something ‘triggering.’
Most of us are spiritually impoverished. If we were raised with any faith at all, it is probably a watered-down, universalistic faith where everyone, no matter how evil, is saved. Our Christianity is not something worth defending much less dying for. After all, who would be willing to die for a faith that teaches exactly what the social justice warriors of the current day believe?
Thus, if we are going to make any progress in changing the existing order, we have to reverse the deleterious effects our culture has had on us by working on the areas in the following graph:
But this is only the foundation. If you do nothing more, nothing will change. Improving yourself will make your life better, but by itself it does nothing to change the existing order. Self-improvement is a prerequisite, but not sufficient by itself.
Ride the tiger
Italian philosopher Julius Evola had an analogy to describe the existing order. He said that it is like a fierce tiger that is constantly moving. If you try to oppose this fierce tiger directly, you will be torn to shreds. Thus, rather than directly opposing the tiger, differentiated men will choose to ‘ride the tiger.’ They will be carried along by the beast, all the while avoiding its sharp claws and teeth.
Riding the tiger is not a passive endeavor. It involves preparation. The tiger will not be able to keep moving forever. It will eventually weaken and slow down. At that point, the differentiated man will take advantage and slay the tiger and establish a new order.
But how do we prepare?
One man, no matter how powerful, will not be able to slay the tiger by himself. It will be the work of many men guided by Providence.
We can already see that the current order is beginning to exhaust itself. That is our signal to build our tribe.
What is a tribe?
Your tribe is a group of men (and only men) that you are close friends with. Ideally, they share your worldview that we are living at the end of the liberal experiment that began with the Enlightenment.
For the immediate term, these men are indistinguishable from close friends. You get together at least once a month for beer, dinner, or a trip to the shooting range. You workout and train martial arts together.
For the longer term, these are men who you can count on when the chips are down. If at some point the power of the state begins to recede, these will be the men who will be by your side to defend your community.
Building a local tribe was one of the things that Roosh was trying to accomplish via the ROK meet ups. Roosh saw that once something terrible begins happening in your country, like Merkel’s decision to import thousands of “rapefugees,” it becomes much more difficult to organize. He wanted to prevent it from happening in other places.
But it was too much for the elites to accept. The media went into insane overdrive mode to attack the meet ups which resulted in Roosh canceling them over safety concerns.
But the urgency of building your tribe has not gone away.
Five qualities to look for
The men of your tribe must be chosen very carefully. These are not ordinary friends. Here are five qualities to look for:
Loyalty: It is easy to find fair weather friends. It is much more difficult to find a friend who will actually inconvenience himself to help you, and still rarer to find someone who will risk his life for you.
Loyalty is a quality that is the mark of highly differentiated and noble souls. It is an extremely rare virtue in this age. These are the men that you want to be in your tribe.
Integrity: The members of your tribe should be men who are true to their word. If they say they are going to do something, they do it. They are honest.
Courage: Seek out men who are not afraid of adversity. They must have a record of confronting the difficulties in life without flinching.
Toughness: You don’t want soft men as part of your tribe. Avoid men who are afraid to spar or lift a weight.
Shared Worldview: After loyalty, this may be the most difficult quality to find. Most men still believe that everything can be fixed by the election of the mythical “True Constitutional Conservative President.” It is only when men realize the gravity of the situation that they can begin fully preparing.
But don’t reject good men out of hand simply because they have not achieved the realization that society cannot be fixed democratically.
In my own tribe, most of the men fall into this category. But they are good men and in time they will realize that the best we can do through elections is to place Band-Aids on a bleeding wound.
One of the best ways of helping friends to realize that the ‘tiger’ is slowing down is to share good articles. It is often less obtrusive than trying to convince them in a one on one conversation.
In short, you are looking for men who, in an another age, would be knights.
The key thing is to start today. Even if you have only one other person in your tribe that is a good beginning.
Update: Be sure to check out the comment from Victor below. He already has a good size tribe and he has some practical ideas on forming and running your own tribe.
Read More: How to Become Great
Another very solid article – well done Michael. I also enjoyed your recent article on ROK.
Thank you Bart!
I put this gang of mine together from scratch – with men I casually knew… I am a very private type (says the man who blogs on the internet) and don’t tend to do much socializing with other men outside a very small circle of men scattered around the world… but I believe that belief and desire will get you there – once you know what it is that you want.
I needed to form my tribe – the time had come and I started talking with the men I knew through business and my city wanderings. I let them do most of the talking to get their thoughts and ideas on the modern world – with the men my age I ask “Is this the world we thought we would inherit?” And they start talking of their disappointments. With the young men I ask “Is this the world you want to live in?” and they will let you know if they want more nursing or if they want a more self sufficient and traditional world.
I only brought the first three into the gang – the first one I brought in was an angry frustrated young man who had no friends – he’s my right hand in this tribe. The second man I brought in is a man in his mid thirties that works as an electrician and moonlights as a barber – we use his garage as our clubhouse… but not for too long – he maybe relocating. The third man was a man I met at a coffee house that I go to from time to time for breakfast. He is a handy man that goes on hikes and camping trips – so we had that in common, he is a quiet conservative fellow that longs for the life his grandfather had – which is basically what we all want… that kind of world.
I brought together the first three and they gathered the rest – what I call the original seven – we are sixteen now but we have a list of potentials that we allow to hang out with us until they make a decision on what they want. As you know I am a bit of a solitary man – but now a lot of my time is taken up by the gang and I have to make time for everyone – on the phone and when we gather… I am learning about leadership and the responsibilities that come with it – I am taking my cues from “The Godfather” – very little Santino and a whole lot of Don Vito… talk little and listen more, be vigilant and protect what I have built… don’t ask my men to do anything I would not do, take their opinions into consideration but this is not a democracy – we are a structured hierarchy and everyone has their place and purpose and to outsiders we may resemble a mob type organization – with my original three as capo regimes responsible for the members they bring in. I take time for the original seven and I take time just for the first three… it keeps the hierarchy in place… sometimes the leader cooks for his gang – because a leader must also serve.
It is important when forming your gang to bond with the men – we go camping and teach each other skills and hacks – many of these guys did not camp before the gang but are liking it more and more, we go on hikes and we get together for drinks and pool and we gather once a week at our lodge… what I find that helps the guys to bond is wrestling and sparring, some of the guys box… yeah feelings sometimes get hurt but we constantly remind them that this is too toughen you up and to make the gang stronger… learn from your losses and learn to read and anticipate your opponent. I know my men – I have spoken to each one and I know what they want…
This is a great post Michael and you should keep it on top for a while – This I am learning – men that go through tough times together bond… men that build something together bond… make sure your men bond as a group and as individuals… give them tough experiences together – to toughen them up and to bond… take time out for each one as you can and learn what they want – when you know what a man wants – you know the man.
Your tribe must have a goal – a purpose… a meaning…
Your gang should know how to fight and they must be confident – so help them over come their fears and get them in the gym and in nature – having to rely on my own wits has build my confidence – knowing what you are doing and having no fear.
Your gang should also learn how to shoot and if your are prepping your gang you should all be familiar with the same fire arms – in fact – you should all have the same shot guns, hand guns and rifles – so that you are all using compatible calibers… just in case TSHTF.
Your gang must check up on each other and check in – at least one or a couple of members should know where his brothers are at all times – even if your brothers are on the other side of the world – check in.
When you have reached the point when the men in your gang only hang out with the members of the gang (and their families), and are only talking to other men to qualify them for the gang – you have your tribe.
Your gang must have a code.
Good Job Michael – this series of post are coming out just great!
This is an extremely helpful comment. I updated my post to recommend your comment to readers because it gives practical advice on creating and running a local tribe.
The tribe really is a gang. The difference is that it is a gang that serves a higher purpose. That’s why it is so important to select men who not only have the same worldview, but also strong character. Your method of doing a lot of listening and watching their actions is the only safe way of screening out the good from the bad.
While our tribes need to be local we also need to continue to network with each other. While we don’t have an over arching leadership, we are all working toward the same goal—a sane society.
I believe the GOP and Demon-Craps are the same gang of Establishment criminals being controlled by Globalist Jew bankers, and other rich. They do not want Trump because they fear being arrested for all their crimes against the people, and I think they have a plan to reject Trump, and give the nomination to some other establishment politicians, and when people start raising hell, they plan to have Obama declare martial law, and call off the election setting up Obama for a permanent dictator. The only hope then is for the people to go to a real Guerrilla war against these tyrants. There is nothing else to do, unless you want to lay down and submit to them, and their future slavery, and mass murder.
Eloheem Son,
Ironically, electing Trump would be their best option because it would be a way of making the situation better without violence. A significant portion of the voters are now awake—they know that the country is controlled by the big money oligarchs. I don’t know what is going to happen if they unjustly deprive Trump of the nomination/election.