34 people were killed today in coordinated terrorist attacks in Brussels. At least one of the attacks was delivered via a suicide bomber. Here are my thoughts.
Bold Statements
Western leaders are already going through the same cycle of making “bold” statements that amount to nothing.
David Cameron’s statement was typical. He said, “We need to stand together against these appalling terrorists and make sure they can never win.”
I am certain that we can expect candlelight vigils too. And exhortations to “Pray for Belgium” from godless people who never pray on social media.
Same old story. We stand together… until the next terrorist attack.
Reasons why our leaders do nothing
There are things that could be done to reduce the likelihood of future attacks. A ban could be placed on Muslim immigration. Muslims who were non-citizens could be deported. Citizens who were terrorist sympathizers could be stripped of their citizenship and deported.
None of those measures will take place. The reason that our leaders will give is that those solutions would not be consistent with our democratic principles. They tell us that it would hurt the feelings of Muslims—so we will have to just put up with losing a few hundred people to terrorism every year.
The real reasons remain unstated. The first is that the leaders of Western nations want immigration in the hopes that the new immigrants will provide the labor necessary to maintain the comfortable welfare states that Europe has created. After all, Europeans are too selfish to reproduce. Why not import Islamic immigrants to fill the shortage?
The second reason is darker. I believe there is a real hatred of the Christian peoples of Europe among our “elites.” Making Europe more multicultural makes these nations easier to control. The ultimate goal is to destroy Christian Europe and turn it into a hodge-podge of different religions and ethnicities.
Voting is not a solution
In any sort of a sane world, the voters of Europe would recognize that they are being replaced and that their elected representatives are completely unresponsive to them. They would quickly vote out the traitors and elect nationalist politicians.
But it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. The decades of indoctrination have worked. Europeans would literally prefer to die than to be called racist. One photo of a drowned toddler is more than sufficient to counter the thousands of photos of dismembered bomb victims.
After the candlelight vigils, most Europeans will go back to living their comfortable lives and the politicians will go back to their project of destroying Europe.
Only a few will understand
Most Europeans will go back to sleep, but not all.
We’ll never convince the masses. Argument is futile.
The future is always shaped by the few. There are two things we need to do.
- Prepare. The situation cannot go on forever. We must be ready when the opportunity presents itself.
- Pray. But this is more than just a hashtag on social media. Pray that God may topple those leaders who are willing to sell out their faith and their people for profit. Pray that we will be awake and ready. Pray that we will have the strength to do what needs to be done.
Read More: Cologne Attacks: Weak Catholic Response
Michael – you are right on the reasons why these leaders do nothing – both reasons.
I always try to keep my own opinions and thoughts on these events to myself – see, when I look for the purpose for the bombing and try to make sense of it, it is often very hard to come up with a good one… I understand if it was a bombing against an invading or occupying force in ones country – the point is to scare them and cripple them and drive them out… but in western countries… that continue to allow immigrants from the countries that are importing the bombers, shouldn’t they be stating their reasons why? “this is because why hate you for your freedom!” “This is because you eat bacon!”… what’s the point… but then I add up all the things that government does after these events that make no sense… and I think of the things that should be done that make perfect sense but are not being done… and am left wondering why… and then I ask – well, who benefits from all of this… and I let the theories form as they do… and it’s best that I just keep my opinions and thought on these things to my self…
I found this on-line:
” Time to get real….
Those folk who will not be benefitting from this Well-managed Fear event.
1. The Victims and their families in Brussels today
2. The Little Belgium Taxpayers
3. Whoever the MSM Corporate conglomorates decide to blame for this Mass Murder.
Those Folk who will be benefitting from this highly profitible Corporate Project.
1. The privatley-owned International Corporate MSM and their Advertising Monopolies.
2. The Privately-owned International Security/Intelligence Operations
3. The Privately-owned International unelected Corporate political spokesfolk from the EU Inc.
4. George Soros, and his global ‘Public’ Service operations: Open Society and Open Borders foundations.
I could go on about the Real Cowardly Terrorists behind this…but it’s time for You to connect the dots.”
Yes, Western leaders, including “conservative” ones, know perfectly well that importing large numbers of Muslims will result in more terror, yet they continue to do it with impunity.
They say the same stupid platitudes over and over again after each attack. But most of the public still believes them.
The only thing we can do is pray that more men will “connect the dots.”
I’m sorry but “thoughts and prayers” only go so far. Where is the strong, fervent call to action? Why is no one looking to actively put boots on the ground and stomp these savages into history?
THIS: http://michellemalkin.com/2016/03/23/post-jihad-gesture-theater-je-suis-sick-of-it/