Globalism versus nationalism. It used to be that you’d rarely hear these terms but today it is not uncommon to hear journalists use these terms. Even American political candidates are using the terms. But who are the globalists? And what do they stand for?
What is globalism?
Sociologists Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King defined globalization as “all those processes by which the peoples of the world are incorporated into a single world society.” In other words, it is gradually tending away from the nation-state toward a single world government.
The reason that globalists want to get rid of national borders is because global corporations and their owners view borders as artificial boundaries that get in the way of trade. National borders make it more expensive to manufacture their products in other countries. If you get rid of the borders, there is only one government to negotiate with and there is one huge global market.
Another problem with borders, from a globalist perspective, is that they inhibit free movement of labor. Globalists think of humans as fungible economic units—workers are just another resource that goes into making goods or providing services.
Another word for this philosophy is neoliberalism. It is the idea that free trade is the most important value.
Globalism is the norm
Globalism is the orthodoxy of our day. The leaders of virtually every western nation are globalists. It is the editorial position of every major newspaper. The majority of CEOs are globalists. Every western university pushes globalist ideas.
There’s a good reason for this: Globalization is a great money making machine for the globalist elite. They own the companies that cheaply manufacture things in third world countries and sell them to consumers in the first world. They want to keep the gravy train running.
The heresy today is nationalism. Nationalism is the idea that the government of a country should do what is best to benefit the citizens of that country—not the multinational corporations who might have an office there.
The downsides of globalism
There are some upsides of globalization. It means your iPhone is cheaper than if it was made in the US. But there are also some downsides.
Second rate goods and services. Having your stuff manufactured in the third world means your stuff might be cheaper, but it also might mean that your stuff is substandard. Back in 2007, many dogs and cats were poisoned by eating food that was made in China. The manufacturer was getting around the protein requirements but putting melamine, a chemical used in foam insulation, into the pet food. This will become a bigger concern as more and more of our food is imported from places where the rule of law takes a back seat to the rule of profits.
Globalization destroys culture. Distinctive culture needs homogenous societies to develop in. Globalization increases diversity which throws cultures together into a hodge podge. The result is that the only common culture is consumerism.
Globalization increases distrust. Another byproduct of diversity is that it increases distrust among people. This makes them less likely to be civically minded:
[A] massive new study, based on detailed interviews of nearly 30,000 people across America, has concluded just the opposite. Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam — famous for “Bowling Alone,” his 2000 book on declining civic engagement — has found that the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings. The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.
“The extent of the effect is shocking,” says Scott Page, a University of Michigan political scientist.
Globalization has made the middle class of western nations poorer while enriching the global elite and the middle class of Asia as shown in this chart below, which is from Harvard Business Review.
This effect is so pronounced that Heartiste has summarized this formula as Diversity + Proximity = War. He’s even compiled a reference list for readers who may doubt its pernicious effect.
Decadent culture. The global elites own the media, including Hollywood. They use the media to push decadent culture upon us. Promiscuity, drunkenness, divorce, and every type of sexual relationship except traditional marriage are the standard messages of the media.
Why would the elite want to encourage the middle and lower classes to be decadent? Because it weakens us. If we are busy drinking, fornicating, and watching brain dead entertainment, we are less likely to realize that our standard of living is declining. We are less likely to wake up and realize that our government does not serve us, but the global elite.
How globalism is presented to ordinary people
Of course if you told people that the true purpose of globalism was to make really wealthy people even wealthier, most people would not support it. So they’ve used marketing to make this stinker seem palatable to the masses. They’ve used two messages.
First, they tell us that globalism means bringing the people of the world together. Globalism is that Coke commercial from the 70s. It’s going to be wonderful. Everyone will love everyone else.
Now, the only possible reason you could oppose this wonderful harmony is if you are some sort of impossibly evil racist. And that is exactly what you will be called if you oppose globalism. The people of the UK who supported Brexit were called racists. The same goes for Trump supporters.
The second way they try to sell globalism is aimed at the more intellectual economist types. They say that the globalism is the most efficient way of distributing goods and services. I am acquaintances with several libertarians who work at think tanks like Cato. These men are true believers in the globalist, neoliberal agenda. They themselves are not part of the global elite, but they diligently spread the message. Lenin would have called these guys, “useful idiots.” They push the message to the masses and in exchange they receive a comfortable, easy, but not outrageously wealthy life.
So who are the globalists?
The globalists are the very wealthy elites. They are “rootless cosmopolitans” who might live in one nation but who feel more connected to other of their class than the citizens of that nation. As Ross Douthat writes, these globalists are tribal:
This species is racially diverse (within limits) and eager to assimilate the fun-seeming bits of foreign cultures — food, a touch of exotic spirituality. But no less than Brexit-voting Cornish villagers, our global citizens think and act as members of a tribe.
While it is acceptable for the elite to be tribal, they will call anyone else who acts the same way they do a racist. The elite pretend that entry into the elite is based on merit—the best and brightest are welcome to join. In truth, tribal behavior means that certain groups are highly over represented within the elite. The elite helps their own.
We don’t know the names of most of these globalists. They are content to accumulate great wealth anonymously within banking or global finance. There are some who are known to us:
Big money Hollywood types. Movies produced by Hollywood now earn more money internationally than they do in the US. Therefore, it is in their best interest to keep globalism in place so that they can sell more movies.
By the way, Hollywood’s desire to sell to other countries causes them to tone down any pro-American messages in their films. A picture is worth a 1,000 words. Compare the Wonder Woman of the 1970s with the Wonder Woman of today. Notice anything different?
Wealthy founders of companies. Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates are globalists. They both want to sell their wares in other countries. But they are not satisfied with that. They are both actively encouraging greater globalization through their advocacy for extremely high levels of immigration.
Finance types and hedge fund managers. Virtually every one of these guys from George Soros to Warren Buffet are globalists. They are not content to get wealthy, they use their wealth to impose policies on the masses that will make us weaker and easier to rule.
Politicians. Barack Obama and David Cameron are both globalists as are the leaders of most other western nations. Typically, they do not have the great wealth of a true globalist elite. Instead, they are more servants of the elite—but they are still richly compensated for it.
What you can do
It does no good to rage about the globalist elites. Rather, start taking steps today to disconnect from the elite and become a free man. I created a list called Ten Steps to Unplug from the Matrix. This is more than just a run of the mill self-improvement list. Each item is aimed at making you independent from the globalists. And you’ll become more successful as a result.
There’s another BIG downside to globalism you missed, that is extremely evident today, and that is its massive negative impact on national security. With the technology, information transfer, and movement of populations that exists today, if you apply it to the Cold War context, there would have been virtually no secrets between the USA and the Soviet Union. Espionage is easier than ever before, and so is terrorism.
Mass states exist to provide security. Historically, as they break down, the desert and steppe nomads exploit the disorder to overrun the urbanized cores. Ibn Khaldun’s asabiyyah easily allows the tribals to win.
You’re overlooking the opportunity here. Go tribal, stay to the periphery of the core, and when the core goes bad your descendants are in position to exploit and overrun.
A game that requires the long view, yes.
Very interesting. I had not considered this angle before.
The New World Order isn’t new. It’s an attempt to resurrect the Ancient World Order that existed under Nimrod, who directed the building of the Tower of Babel. Understanding why Globalists are pushing this agenda, we need only look at what G-d said about the generation in Nimrod’s day.
The following are excerpts from Genesis:
“And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech.” [Gen 1:1]
“And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men built.” [Gen 1:5]
“And the LORD said: ‘Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is what they begin to do; and now nothing will be withheld from them, which they purpose to do.” [Gen 1:6]
The purpose of Globalism is to gain this unlimited power and in the hands of godless men, it can fulfill the satan’s dream of ruling over mankind and expelling G-d from the earth. G-d forbid!
This is the political thinking of a 7th grader. As far as 7th graders go, it’s not bad.
It was well worth reading, and many people need to know about this. but how to spread the word to people that will not believe you?
Trump is one of the biggest globalists around. Wake up people!
Trump is an anti-globalist. That’s why the media and all the other bigwigs hate him. He’s the only candidate that has openly spoken about globalism. He turned his back on them and they are scared shitless. That’s why the news media outlets write fake crap about him, to turn the mentally enslaved people against him, not knowing that he is actually saving us from globalism. Just the fact that you think he is one, says that you are still a part of the Matrix.
Trump is definitely a globalist. I’m not a Trump hater though, like so many of the useful idiots that eat up the B.S, that the globalist owned propaganda machine feeds them on a daily basis.
Actually he’s just another puppet, just as the rest of the presidents were, especially the previous four, or since pappy Bush.
Yeah the MSM hates him all right, lol, but that’s all PSYOP.
Just look at Trumps cabinet picks, almost all of them are globalist puppets. I mean he just put the hawkish batsh*t crazy neocon John Bolton in. Trump was put in to continue the agenda for the tribe.
He was put in to pump up the masses with nationalism, ya know “USA USA USA.. kill the damn terrorist”.
The same terrorist we created in the first place.
We’ll be following the same damn agenda, regarding the wars in the Middle East.. If it wasn’t from them pesky damn Russians, Syria would of fell by now. Iran is on the horizon, and we’ll be going to war with them under the Trump administration.. As we’ll probably see a bigger ground war with NK, or maybe even Russia..
They divide us to fight with each other, right vs left. GOP vs DNC, liberals vs conservative, male vs female, etc..etc..
But, who’s really in charge of the US, who are the shot callers, the decision makers, etc.etc.. ?
Who started Hollywood and still runs it today. MGM, Fox, Warner Bro. etc..?
Who runs our media, CBS, NBC, ABC, Wal Post, NY Times, CNN, Fox..etc.?
Who owns, or RUNS the major social media networks? Google, Facebook, YouTube and I’m not sure about Twitte, but I wouldn’t doubt Jack is part of the tribe.
Who runs our academics/university’s/public school unions..etc ?
Who runs the Federal Reserve/banks/Wall Street..?,
Who has 3, maybe 4 of their own, out of the 8 I believe, Supreme Court judges? Yet they only make up 2% of our population, yes 2% and they control everything.
Let’s be honest, and call it like it is. Why do we keep calling them globalist? Ya know, like Alex Jones, aka Bill Hicks. I guess no one can admit who these so called globalist are. Which of course I mean any one with a voice, on any MSM, talk radio, social media, etc ..They won’t call it like it is, because they’d either be fired and called a racist, Nazi anti-Semite, or their just puppets themselves and part of the agenda.
Why can’t anyone just say it!!! Well I guess other than Mel Gibson. Lol It’s Talmud jews, there I said it. The same Zionist jews that have been pulling the strings and calling the shots for decades. Well actually since 1913 here in the states.. But further back, way back when it comes to Europe, regarding the Rothschilds.
Secret society’s like the Masons, Skull and Cross bones, and the so called illuminati have power, as does the Jesuits / Vatican. But the tribe controls it all, they hold the most power.
But yes Trump is a “globalist”, a “globalist” puppet that is. BiBi and tribe are very pleased with his build up of the military industrial complex.
YouTube Mathew North if ya want to get woke. The kid has done his research. Watch the video about the Kalergi plan.
Substantiate your claim.