I recently joined the Donald Trump campaign. I signed up to do calls to help get out the vote in primary states. I also agreed to get involved in my state’s Republican Party in an effort to support local leaders who share Trump’s vision for the US.
At the first event that I attended, I met with about 50 other people from my county who also favor Trump. While I know plenty of Trump supporters on social media, I didn’t know a lot in real life apart from my family & my wife’s family. So it was heartening to meet other people who hold my same views.
The media tell us that Trump supporters are all angry, uneducated white men. Judging from what I saw from this group, that is not at all the case. At least half of the group was women. Everyone I spoke to had a white-collar job. They were all intelligent, articulate, and highly motivated.
Here is why I am going to continue to be involved with the Trump campaign and with local politics regardless of what happens. I hope you find these reasons persuasive so that you join the Trump campaign as well.
This may be the last chance to save the US democratically
Here are some painful truths.
Minorities do not vote Republican. Period.
- About 71% of the Hispanic vote went to Obama in 2012. He got about 73% of the Asian vote and 93% of the black vote.
- The high water mark for Hispanic GOP support came with George W. Bush—and he only got 40% of the Hispanic vote. Even that required a candidate who spoke Spanish and promised to do an amnesty.
- The Republican Party tells us that immigrants are natural conservatives, and if they can “just hear our message” they will convert to the GOP. If you believe the GOP on this score, you are a fool.
This leads us to our next painful truth…
If Rubio or Clinton gets elected, we will have an amnesty for illegals.
That means we will have 30 million new voters. At least 21 million of them will vote Democrat. That means the likelihood you will ever get a True Conservative® president again is nil. The US will move from a center-right country to a solid left country.
But it gets worse. This is the part no one talks about…
If illegal immigration doesn’t finish the US as it exists today, legal immigration will.
With the exception of Trump, every GOP candidate supports dramatically increasing the already colossal rate of legal immigration. The Senate subcommittee on immigration noted:
Census data shows the U.S. will add the population equivalent of 1 new city of Los Angeles exclusively through new immigration every three years.
Again, these immigrants are likely to vote overwhelmingly for the liberal policies of the Democrats.
What conservative issues do you feel are important?
- Halting abortion
- Protecting 2nd Amendment rights
- Reducing the welfare state
None of these goals will be achievable if the immigrant flood continues to change the demographics of the US. Only Trump has promised to slow the tide.
Trump is the last chance to stop the leftward drift of the country through voting. If Trump doesn’t win, your remaining options will be much less pleasant than going to your local precinct and voting. This is the primary reason I am so motivated to get Trump into the White House.
The GOP Establishment will do anything to stop Trump
By now you are well aware that the GOP establishment, which is beholden to the big money donors, is doing everything they can to stump the Trump. This is because Trump’s policies on legal & illegal immigration and his position on fair trade threaten the profits of those donors.
Their current plan is to try for a brokered convention. If they can spread delegates to enough people outside of Trump, they hope to force a second vote at the GOP convention. At this second vote, the delegates will not be required to adhere to the outcome of the primary—they can change their allegiance to the establishment candidate—even if Trump won the majority of votes.
As I write this, it does not appear that the establishment will get their wish. Trump’s momentum is increasing and it looks like he will win the required number of delegates outright. Still, the possibility for party machinations still exists. Being involved at a local level will help to get leaders in place that will not let this happen.
We can’t take Get Out The Vote efforts for granted
I learned from the Republican leaders I chatted with that one of the reasons Romney lost to Obama in 2012 was that his get out the vote (GOTV) efforts were poorly executed.
Romney was so overconfident that he believed he would get the Republican vote by default—so his campaign didn’t even bother contacting likely Republican voters. Instead, they focused mostly on contacting Democrats in a hopeless attempt to turn them toward Romney.
Of course the effort backfired. It only motivated those Democrats to vote for Obama.
There are so many people who “support” a candidate but who won’t vote unless they are nudged. That’s why these GOTV calls are so important.
Just because Trump is winning in the polls, we can’t get complacent.
You’ll learn leadership skills
There are some on the right who are awaiting a collapse of society. After this collapse they believe that they will assume leadership roles in the new order.
History does not support this view. Usually, there is continuity of leadership through transitions.
When Eastern Europe shook off the shackles of communism, many of the politicians of the new liberal democratic governments were converted communists of the old regime.
Julius Caesar was a Roman statesman who won elections and served as a general prior to becoming dictator.
There is a reason for this. Any government needs people who know how to lead. If you have never been a leader in any form, don’t kid yourself. You will not be able to suddenly become a leader after a societal collapse.
Getting involved in politics is one way of getting these leadership skills. As Mark Citadel, a friend of this blog, has pointed out, we will always need bureaucrats to run things from day to day.
Even light involvement with your party’s local leadership will teach you valuable strategy and management skills. In the brief period I have been involved, I have already learned some interesting political tactics.
Trump can’t do it alone
Trump is the most impressive politician in my lifetime. I’ve carefully observed his every move, and I’ve tried to learn from it.
But as great as Trump is, he will still have to deal with a Party that is largely opposed to him. By getting involved in Party leadership, we will make it more likely that the GOP will be at least a little more agreeable with Trump policies than it would be if we continue to leave politics in the hands of others.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We finally have a candidate who promises to not just “manage the decline” but who wants to actually reverse it and improve the lives of Americans. If there ever were a time to get involved in politics, this would be it.
And getting involved is easy. Simply go to https://www.donaldjtrump.com and click on “Get Involved” to sign up to help in the areas that interest you.
By the way, my only reason for joining Trump’s campaign and writing this post is because I truly believe in Trump’s platform. I do not receive any monetary benefit from my involvement.
Well Michael, this is very well put. You may have convinced me to vote! Granted, I won’t be surprised if none of it goes as hoped but it can’t hurt to try.
It doesn’t hurt to try. If it goes well, we will at least be at a better starting point. The longer the degeneration goes on, the more difficult it will be to reverse.
As much as I hate proof-texting from scripture, this little jem, describing the king Israel would received when they rejected the Lord as king, holds potent.
“And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your best oliveyards, and give them to his servants.” – 1 Samuel 8:14 DRA
I would say the Democrats are seizing the fruits of the nation and giving them to those to whom they promised good fortune.
That’s one good point about the Democrats. They at least reward their constituents. It seems the only group that the GOP bestows favors upon is its donors.
This arrangement can’t go on for much longer.