There is a lot of agreement that the modern world has some pretty terrible problems. Rampant divorce, children being born out of wedlock, and fornication to name just a few on the individual level. Meanwhile, neoliberalism dominates our economics tending toward obliterating all cultures in its quest to create a global marketplace of fungible economic units. But how did we get here? Did it just happen? Or were there certain groups that actively worked to create the modern world?
If you took history in college, you were taught that the present state is just the result of inexorable market forces. The old world of kings, aristocrats, feudalism, craftsmanship, and walled cities was naturally cast aside as people learned that they were inefficient and out dated. Thus, impersonal forces are the official answer to “how did we get here?” If you happen to hold that this process was aided by any group of men, you are placing yourself outside the bounds of polite society—you are a crazy conspiracy theorist.

As it turns out, Pope Leo XIII was one such crazy conspiracy theorist. I was recently reading Against the Heresies by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (a book I highly recommend) and ran across Pope Leo’s thoughts on the actions of the Masons which he outlined in his letter to the Italian people entitled, Custodi di quella fede. Leo did not only believe that Masons existed, but that they actively worked together to undermine Christian society.
Masonry has taken control of the public schools, leaving private schools, paternal schools, and those directed by zealous ecclesiastics… to compete in the education of Christian youth. Christian parents should not entrust the education of their children to uncertain schools. Masonry has confiscated the inheritance of public charity; fill the void, then, with the treasure of private relief. It has placed pious works in the hands of its followers, so you should entrust those that depend on you to Catholic institutions. It opens and maintains houses of vice, leaving you to do what is possible to open and maintain shelters and half-way houses. An anti-Christian press in religious and secular matters militates at its expense, so that your effort and money are required by the Catholic press.
In other words, Pope Leo is telling us that Masonry has consciously done a march through the institutions. They have taken over the press, education, and charitable organizations with the aim to foster Enlightenment ideas to the detriment of gospel values.
But Masonry did not stop merely at this level. It also consciously set out to help people who agree with its ideas. Leo points out that we should be doing the same thing to help our side.
Masonry establishes societies of mutual help and credit unions for its partisans; you should do the same not only for your brothers but for all the indigent…
May this struggle between good and evil extend to everything, and may good prevail. Masonry holds frequent meetings to plan new ways to combat the Church, and you should hold them frequently to better agree on the means and order of the defense. It multiplies lodges, so that you should multiply Catholic clubs and parochial groups, prominent charitable associations and prayer organizations, and maintain and increase the splendor of the temple of God. The sect, having nothing to fear, today shows its face to the light of day. You Italian Catholics should also make open profession of your faith and follow the example of your glorious ancestors who confessed their faith bravely before tyrants, torture, and death. What more? Does the sect try to enslave the Church and to put it at the feet of the state as a humble servant? You must then demand and claim for it the freedom and independence due it before the law.
In short, Pope Leo called for Catholics to not be naïve to the agenda of the enemy and to actively work to counter the work of these groups.
Unfortunately, while there are many outstanding Catholic groups doing great work, there are no Catholic organizations that have the breadth of what Masonry exhibits. Where are the Catholic organizations that promote Catholic business, finance, education, or media on a scale that rivals that of its secular counterparts? Where are support groups for Catholic politicians so that they don’t need to prostrate themselves to billionaire libertarians to win elections?
There is some urgency for Catholics to come together to do these and other things as society is gradually becoming less tolerant of Christians. It is no secret that many Catholic doctrines are now at complete loggerheads with liberal society. How long will it be before we are classified as being guilty of “hate crimes” for Catholic teaching? It behooves us to prepare parallel institutions now so that, should a soft persecution breakout, we will be able to flourish.
This is not the work of one man but a large group of dedicated men. If you are interested in participating, leave me a note in the comments or follow on me on Twitter (@HonorAndDaring) and tweet at me so that I will follow you back.
Read More: Masculine Spirituality
I have spent a little over a year looking for true believers – men willing to charge into the fire for their faith with Rosaries in one hand and a sword in the other in order to preserve the Church and its traditions and teaching and all that it stands for and all that it could be once more, men of a certain caliber and mold not easily found these days… unfortunately, I have not found them yet. What I have found are men much like myself – not exactly boy scouts and knights in shining amour… no, they are hustlers trying to stay afloat in this madness, scoundrels trying to stay one step ahead of the tax-man and the law-man in their quest to stash away just a little bit more of what they work hard for, I come across old soldiers that have lost their faith in the democratic process and their governments, men looking for a place where they belong in the chaos… but, what all these men are is men of destiny – men moving toward their moment in time, men who will not run away from the fight when the time comes, but I can not convince them that the time is now to pick up that cross and that banner and march to the fight coming at them like a tide… but for certain, all these men without hesitation kneel before the cross.
Men in this modern world struggle just to retain their natural instinct without persecution, let alone profess their religious beliefs with out fear of being called out as a bigoted racist NAZI. The average modern man is trying to get laid and hold a job to pay off his debts and buy more stuff that he feels will improve his station in life and make it more fulfilling, God and the Church are not his priorities, and the average married man is trying to keep his wife happy so she won’t rape him in divorce court and take away the fruits of his labor, he is spoiling his children so they will like him as a friend instead of respecting him as their father, he has his mortgages and car payments and appearances to keep up… and the nightmare of his soul killing job, where he must navigate the storm of political correctness and his social justice co-workers… and we want him to have more of a presence at his church?
But yes, that is what men need to do – be more active in your church if you wish to save it… the women will not, no matter how saintly she might appear – she ain’t Joan of Arc.
What you can do is start a men’s organization at your Church – absolutely no women allowed and if the priest thinks he has something to say about it then you have to find a way to let the priest know that the church belongs to the people – which is the truth. Men only groups that you can form to start with aside from the usual bible study group can be discussion groups where you read works such as this one mentioned by Pope Leo XIII and discuss it’s meaning and message along with books by other Christian writers like Chesterton and even Reactionaries like Evola – Evola would be easier to understand with other men trying to get through such heavy reading. Groups like this can turn into think tanks that can come up actual solutions to the problems in your community, you can help other men just by letting them know that men around to listen to them and willing to help them solve their problems. You need to get men of influence involved in your group – businessmen and entrepreneurs, current serving and ex-military, men with skills, that they can teach, trades men, and professionals.
Get organized and come up with some sort of decal that business owners can put on their windows that will identify them as members of your “community” people of faith that wish to preserve their faith and tradition without fear so that those “in the know” will know where to spend their money – hey, Masons have their hand signs and gestures and a bag full of tricks to identify themselves and yes, Masons come first in their eyes… I don’t care what you have read or heard to the contrary… so you must be as close knit and hermetic in your ways as they are, so find ways to identify your kind in ways that only you know and support those businesses, if possible, live in closed communities with your kind of people, if you own property, then rent to your people, recommend only your people to others… Christianity was born in the shadows if we have to go back into the shadows before we can walk out into the light with out fear then so be it, do what you have to do but start by promoting and supporting each other in your Church and community.
Now that the Boy scouts have been destroyed – I read that they lost 400,000 boys now that girls can join (not sure if that is true). The youth needs help now more than ever, especially young boys, and a group like the scouts was always a great place to start in the shaping of young boys lives, seriously give thought to forming a scouting group for the boys of your Church.
I myself have recently returned to the Church – I attend the Latin Mass and I sometimes go to an Orthodox Church as well – one of the guys in my gang is Greek and he too has return to the Church and talked my into attending – I first visited an Greek Orthodox church when I live n Illinois for a wedding and I loved it, can’t believed in took me this long. I left the Church over twenty years ago because I got tired of weak feminine priest preaching to the men to relinquish more power to women – equality and SJW programming had infiltrated the Church way back then… so I left… but despite my wicked ways I never stopped believing in my creator and I know I have lots to answer for when the day comes… lots.
I do not want to ramble on here about my own theories, and I will not get into a discussion on Masonry, but Masonry, for many men is good for them, just as the military, for many men is good for them, and just as the Church, for many men is good for them… but Masonry strayed from the path of it’s true intention long ago and it is not going to find it’s way back, as for the Church it too has strayed, it needs new leadership, strong leadership, it needs to be purged of certain men that occupy positions of power with in. there are rumors and stories that Pope Benedict was actually forced out by a certain cabal in the Vatican that has a, shall we say, liberal agenda, and the stories of his poor health were a lie – Popes stay on the “throne” till death.
There are several Christian brotherhoods that have formed in the last few years, some of them came and went and some are still around, some took their cues from The Iron Legion blog – mines did, and I know of others – and I have been in contact with many of these groups but alas… as I myself was looking for a certain type of men to fill my army, it seems that I myself do not quite fit the bill for the type of men some of these organizations are looking for – because it is not enough to be a Christian… everyone wants to find… and believe that they are – true believers.
Well, sir… that’s my two cents worth.
Oh, by the way, Michael, it is just by chance that I visited your site tonight… I am not getting update notifications from your site… in fact I am not getting any update notification to my email from any site I am subscribed to except for Bold and Determined… strange.