I just watched an extraordinary interview that revealed the Republican Party establishment’s plans to deny Donald Trump the nomination using voting technicalities at the Republican Convention. In the interview, a member of the GOP establishment said that even if Trump is the definitive leader going into the Convention, the GOP establishment plans to give the nomination to someone else.
In other words, even if Trump is the choice of the overwhelming majority of Republican voters, the GOP establishment will override the clear voice of the People.
This raises the question: Who runs the US? The People or Oligarchs?
Hey dumb voter, if you think your vote counts, you are going to have egg on your face.
The interview took place on Super Tuesday after Trump nearly ran the entire board of states. Former congressman Tom Delay sat down with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. Delay opened the conversation.
Delay: All the guys who are saying that Trump is now the nominee are going to have egg on their face. The popular vote is important only in allocating delegates. 60% of the delegates at the Convention will be picked proportionally. If Trump never gets more than 40% of each state…
Matthews: So no one has to beat him for him to lose?
Delay: No.
Matthews: The American people have watched how the primaries have decided who would be the nominee for more than half a century. You are saying that the party can actually nominate someone who is not the leader in the primaries?
Delay: If that someone does not have 1237 votes going into the Convention, all hell could break loose.
Matthews: You’re saying they would deny the person who won the primaries.
Delay: Well, 60%…
Matthews: Let me get back. I’ll ask you the same question. How do you deny the leader of the primaries, the winner of the primaries the nomination?
Delay: 60% of those voting did not vote for Trump.
Matthews: Is there any precedent to do this?
Delay: Well, way back when but it has all been thrown out with Trump.
Matthews: You are saying the Republican Party can break precedent.
Delay: It has nothing to do with precedent. It is with following the convention rules.
Matthews: Now you’re going to burn at the stake. I am going to make an announcement. Tom Delay has just said that Donald Trump, even if you get most of the delegates to the Cleveland Convention, even if you have almost all you need, we are going to give this to someone else.
After the interview, Rachel Maddow framed the GOPe plan to deny Trump the nomination in stark terms:
[Trump] is now in historic territory. Nobody has ever won this combination of states before… And his win, the way he is controlling this process, is commanding…
It would be a difficult thing for the Republican Party to say that somebody winning this sweeping a victory would be denied the nomination by the party because of some math that you can do with the delegates.
I do think that the Republican party is going to have to reckon with that. The idea that you would take it away from somebody that Republican voters have chosen this resoundingly.
I don’t know what that would do to the Party. But that’s a big thing to try to do for a democratic country.
While I am not a fan of Maddow, she’s right. Trump’s campaign has unmasked the charade that voters are allowed to choose a candidate. The reality is that plutocrats, through the use of super pacs and control of the media, including “conservative” media like National Review and Fox News, are able to select the candidates of their choosing.
Why does the establishment hate Trump?
The reasons that the GOP establishment gives is that Trump is bad for the party because he says things that might be construed as being racist even though Republican voters obviously do not agree. They say he is too light on policy, even though he has published very detailed policy positions.
Some Christian GOP establishment types like Delay say that Trump is not godly enough—as if most politicians are paragons of virtue.
Oligarchs hate Trump because he favors jobs for Americans
None of these are the real reasons the establishment hates Trump. The real reason is that Trump’s policies negatively impact the largest GOP donors—the Oligarchs.
Most of the Oligarchs own large businesses. These businesses benefit from the lower wages that result from unchecked immigration. Illegal immigration drives down wages of uneducated Americans. But an even bigger issue is the massive amount of legal immigration that drives down wages for middle class Americans. You can see this in the giant amounts of IT labor that is imported from India or China.
All Americans should read Ann Coulter’s book Adios America. Coulter meticulously documents how and why our country is being destroyed by immigration.
Trump affects these businesses because his immigration policy puts Americans first. It stops illegal immigration entirely, and it requires that companies try to hire middle class Americans before sponsoring H1B visas to obtain lower cost foreign workers.
Trump’s policies will force the Oligarchs to spend more money to hire American workers.
Oligarchs hate Trump because they hate fair trade
The Oligarchs love “free trade” because it means they can get their goods more cheaply abroad. That means that more jobs go to China and Mexico, and more Americans are unemployed.
Trump has threatened to level the playing field between the US and countries like Mexico and China. That means that the Oligarchs may no longer find it profitable to export jobs. Instead, they will have to hire more expensive American workers—again negatively impacting their pocketbooks.
Oligarchs hate Trump because they hate competition
Some Oligarchs have large stakes in drug companies and insurance companies. These companies have been protected from competition through crony laws that were implemented by Congress as favors in return for campaign donations.
Trump promises to increase competition which will force these companies to compete like other companies. That will lower their profit margins. Again, the Oligarchs want to protect their pocketbooks.
Oligarchs hate Trump because he doesn’t want to endanger lives of American soldiers for foolish wars
Some of the Oligarchs have interests that are not directly related to money. Some of the Jewish Oligarchs may want the US to continue to fight Israel’s wars. Why should Israel risk the lives of its own young men when middle class boys from Ohio can be blown up instead?
Foreign governments, like Saudi Arabia, also use the American military to fight wars on their behalf. The most recent example of this has been the creation of “rebel” groups to destabilize the Syrian regime of Assad—an enemy of Saudi Arabia.
Trump has made it clear that he has no desire to put American lives at risk fighting for causes that have no direct benefit to the US, and that is unacceptable to the Oligarchs.
Who will win? The People or the Oligarchs?
The Oligarchs are very, very worried. Trump has been running a masterful campaign. American voters are sick of watching their wages stagnate. They are sick of watching jobs dry up and move abroad or be filled by cheaper immigrant labor. They are sick of losing their sons fighting in a distant desert.
And the voters have spoken, loudly and clearly, by voting for Trump.
At this point it appears that the Oligarchs are willing to risk destroying the Republican Party to prevent the election of a President who would hurt their financial interests.
We’ll know by the end of the Republican Convention whether the People or the Oligarchs have won.
Here is the important question: If the Oligarchs win, how much loyalty do you owe a government that is not a result of an honest democratic election?
Help get out the word about what is going on. Please share this with fellow Trump supporters.
Read More: The Real Reason GOPe Opposes Trump: To Crush Rise of Nationalism In US
Excellent article. Clearly shows the dark organization in the American Election Industry. For Trump to win, which would be my objective, he would have to expose this, as in this article, but even more, to such an extent that voters exert “private” pressure on representatives. However, it also means that apathy be destroyed and replaced with anger.
Johann, I agree. We have to get the word out to as many Trump supporters as possible.
Even if Trump gets elected though, the Donors will oppose him at every turn through the use of their lackeys in Congress.
Ultimately, we may be facing the end of any sort of remotely serviceable democracy. Something else may be needed to restore a healthy government.
Our country is not originally a democracy. It is and should continue to be a representative republic. True democracy is a free for all.
Oh, dear. I do understand that the oligarchs run the country and not the people.
That’s kind of how a republic is designed, though not exactly. Popular this and popular that were never the deciding factor. It was always about balancing the majority and the minority to prevent majority oppression. So, from the interview, it sounds like Chris “Tingle Up My Leg” Matthews was working to trap Delay.
Remember that the Electoral College saved us from Gore, too.
That said, I still don’t believe that Trump is about anyone but Trump. Where was his road to Damascus that converted him from a lifetime user of big government to enrich Trump to a guy who was truly about keeping government from making things worse for the people and country. I think he IS one of the oligarchs.
I understand that the US is a republic.
You are missing the larger point. The voters overwhelmingly want something to be done to halt illegal immigration but if the GOPe has their way, our choices will be Rubio or Hillary—both of them will magnify the problem.
California went from a 78% white state in 1970 to a 40% white state in 2010. It turned from solid red to solid blue in the process. Tell me how that is a healthy, natural process? The point is we are absolutely powerless to stop it.
It’s the same in Europe.
Yes, Trump is most definitely an oligarch. He has also done us a service by showing voters how that game is played. The interesting thing is that oligarch Trump has gone rogue and now stands in direct opposition to the other oligarchs.
The rich jews that control both parties are no longer even bothering to hide.
Between the last two years of rampant anti-white lies and encouraging blacks to burn and attack anything white-owned or white-skinned many people have been hurt or killed. Now both sides of the aisle get to finally see how little their vote actually matters.
The jew wants a civil war to destroy the white race. They don’t care what goy wins… all their shekel spends the same.
I believe most of the BLM agitation is supported by the Democrats. The only way that Democrats can win is if they can get blacks to turn out for them on election day.
The way they do this is creating drama. Notice that BLM has attacked everyone except for Hillary Clinton.
That said, the divide and conquer strategy of pitting portions of the populace is a classical way of keeping citizens fighting each other rather than working on replacing the elite.
Trump is threatening to reduce their power and that is why they fighting so hard to stop him.
We are not a Democracy. Perhaps we should start electing our Legislature by the popular vote of WE THE PEOPLE. Our so-called Representatives are not representing us!
The people will win! If Trump does not get the nomination there will be a revolutionary war! I’ll start myself if I have to! Who’s with me?
Great article, but my question to you is: How will Trump get companies to return their operations to the U.S. when he won’t even move his operations back here?
This is a good objection. The answer is that any good businessman maximizes his profits. Trump is a businessman and he obeyed this ironclad law of business. He would have been stupid not to.
The key to making this work is to make hiring Americans more attractive and to make exporting businesses abroad less attractive.
Right now, China tinkers with its currency so that it will always be cheaper to build in China. Businesses will always choose China over the US. The US is playing by the rules. China is not.
Trump is saying that we need to make the game fair. China (and other countries) cannot continue to rig the game in their favor.
Once we are playing fairly, paying American workers will once again become more attractive. There other things that need to be done as well, such as lowering the corporate tax rate so that companies have the incentive to keep their corporate headquarters here.
Economic elites sold their own countries to make a buck. They are the true betrayers of the 21st century. They have been exporting jobs to the third world and creating unemployement in thei own countries while avoiding taxation and taking advantage of “free trade agreements”.
Well said. The rules now favor these globalists whose only loyalty is to their bottom line. That is why the whole world is coming down against Trump.
BTW, I am in awe of Trump’s courage. To undergo such attacks from every corner and not flinch is the mark of a truly great man.
This is really an intelligent articulation of the facts as they stand. Rarely seen. The Q. & A. also excellent. Thanks for teaching me.
Thanks for the kind words. I view Trump as our last, best hope of saving the country. Eight more years of business as usual will put us over the edge.
I often wondered who run the political parties. This article explains why VIP’s like Obama and his entourage visit Bill Gates when they come to Seattle. Microsoft imports alot of cheap labor from India with government work permits.
Big corporate execs like Gates have been crying for years how we need more American STEM graduates. But the cheap labor from India and Asia drives down the wages for those professions.
Students are not stupid. Why study hard for a STEM degree only to find that you are paid peanuts once you graduate?
Bernie Sanders entire campaign is driven by young American college grads who are not able to find work. If we have unemployed or under employed Americans, why are we importing boatloads of labor?
Thanks for reading. Michael
Incredible article. Last night’s debate was, by all accounts, not a true debate but a “let’s kick the hell outta Trump” exhibition. And, Trump stood by, defiant as ever. They’re really railing him about Trump U. Is that all they have on him? Oh, and you know the media is going to absolutely hound him about the ‘mystery’ interview he did OTR to the NYT. That will be the media’s version of Romneys ‘47%’; same m.o, different candidate.
The Trump U thing is lame. What kind of an idiot is going to sign up for that thinking that it was guaranteed that they were going to make millions?
The NY Times interview is a sharper hit, but it didn’t shake my support for Trump. If you read his books (I have) Trump is very clear that he starts his negotiations with a hardline position and he negotiates the best deal.
Politics requires some compromise. Establishment types, like Rubio, start off with amnesty as a negotiating point. In other words, they have capitulated before they have even started to negotiate. That’s why they always lose.
Trump will start from a position of strength. Will he get everything he wants? That depends on Congress. Expect them (both democrats and republicans) to fight President Trump at every turn.
It would seem you’re not the only one with this particular view of how things are going:
Paul, great minds think alike. 🙂
Seriously, that’s because it is true. All this weeping and gnashing of teeth, “but Trump is not a conservative!” is just a fig leaf to cover the real issue: “but we can’t control him!”
The Oligarchs are willing to destroy the Republican Party rather than cede control. Once people have woken up, though, there is no going back to sleep. We are on the verge of something big: http://honoranddaring.com/the-coming-storm/